Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How I Survive Just Working From Home

I work from my house full time. Personally, I love it, but it's not for everyone. If you have a need to socialize with people on a daily basis, this might not be the right kind of work for you. Additionally, if you're not a self-starter and can't work independently, this also might not be the right avenue for you to pursue.

So, what are some of the benefits to working from home? Well, for starters, you make your own hours. You can work as much or as little as you want. Keep in mind, if you don't want to work that much, you aren't going to make that much money. If you have the drive to work long hours, you can actually make a living just through online revenue. There are a vast number of opportunities to make money online, you just need to know where to start and how to do it.

A lot of sites sell you on get rich quick methods, Ponzi schemes, exploitation, or they make you pay for their "amazing" method which usually turns out to be a load of bull. It's unfortunate that there aren't a lot of legitimate, easy to find resources out there for online earning. If you think about it though, it makes sense. If you were making a large amount of money, not even necessarily online, would you want to tell the world about how you were doing it for free? I don't think most people would answer yes to that question. I'm a little different than most people though, I actually want to help people out.

This site is an offshoot of another site I started back in 2011 to help people find jobs. The target audience was people with criminal records, who, like myself, found it incredibly hard to break into the workforce in America. I sought to make it a little easier on them, and judging from the emails I've received from that site, I believe that I have. Now I'm going a step further, and helping people who can't find employment, or would just rather work from home, break into the field of earning online.

This site is, and always will be, a free source of information, just like my previous sites. I'm not out to rip you off and steal your money. To be perfectly honest, if you had enough money for someone to rip you off, you most likely wouldn't be reading this. Why would I try to take what little money you have? That's just not right.

I've already posted some information on the things I use to make money. This list is far from complete, but it's a decent starting point for most people. In it, you will find links to different programs that I am a part of, both referral links and non-referral links. If you don't understand what this is, I'd highly suggest reading some of my guides that you can access on the tabs above.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this, and welcome to the exciting world of being your own boss. With a lot of hard work, you can succeed, and I'll be here to help you as much as I can.
